Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic School
Molding the Future Through Faith, Inquiry, and Service.
Pre-K2 to 8th grade ♥
STA Miami challenges students to work independently and fosters the thoughtful informed academic challenge that encourages responsible decision-making within the framework of basic Christian principles. Students are encouraged to recognize, develop, and appreciate the qualities inherent within themselves and to respect, value, and safeguard the uniqueness of others. Under the guidance and leadership of its priests, administration, faculty and staff, along with their parents, the students grow in knowledge and in deeper faith of their responsibility to their community, their church, and to humankind. Through educational programs, St. Thomas the Apostle School strives to bring about a natural development of the whole person, spiritually, intellectually, psychologically, socially, physically, and aesthetically. The school is committed to an integrated curriculum encompassing all academic areas. Through education, the students learn that love is the powerful animator of every Christian’s concern for peace and justice. The organized programs at St.Thomas the Apostle School guide the students to use their individual gifts not only for themselves but for the good of all, so that all may realize their human potential and more readily enjoy life with God now and for all eternity.
Private Catholic School
A Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Enrollment: 490
Student-Teacher Ratio: 15 to 1
Average Class Size: -
Founded: 1964
Lowest Grade: Pre-K 2
Dual Enrollment Courses Offered
Honors Courses offered
Character Development Program
STREAM Curriculum
St. Anthony of Padua Special Education Program
St. Elizabeth Anne Seton Gifted Program
Competitive Sports Teams
After-School Doors to the Arts Program
8th Grade Washington D.C. Pilgrimage
Academic Advisors
Security Guard/Campus Officer
Summer Enrichment Program
Rolling Admissions
$12,689 (2022-2023)
Visit STA Miami
7303 SW 64th Street
Miami, FL 33143
(305) 661-8591
♥ indicates a school that provides support for learning differences